Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rob-on Rob-all Fianna Fail

 Oh Fianna Fail are finished, no more power will they seize
 They have forced Irish youth to emigrate overseas
Due to the policies of Fianna Fail, the country's gone to the wall
 So bring on the next election and banish them from the Dail

 Oh rob on rob all Fianna Fail, there is blood upon your hands
You took brown envelopes from developers to rezone many lands
Now ghost estates blind our eyes, as we live in economic hell
And we've no natural gas to burn your ass cause you sold it cheap to Shell

To be a chancer is to be Irish, we are gamblers to the core
Whether bingo, horses, greyhounds or predicting first player to score
But Fianna Fail gambled bailing out the banks and with NAMA burdened us all
Then raised tax and made savage budget cuts as they milked expenses in the Dail

Oh rob on rob all Fianna Fail, there is blood upon your hands
You took brown envelopes from developers to rezone many lands
Now ghost estates blind our eyes, as we live in economic hell
And we've no natural gas to burn your ass cause you sold it cheap to Shell

Too long we'e watched in horror as they squandered our wealth away
But not for too long more now until we finally have our say
Due to the policies of Fianna Fail, the country's gone to the wall
 So bring on the next election and banish them from the Dail

 Oh rob on rob all Fianna Fail, there is blood upon your hands
You took brown envelopes from developers to rezone many lands
Now ghost estates blind our eyes, as we live in economic hell
And we've no natural gas to burn your ass cause you sold it cheap to Shell

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